As the project environment grows in
complexity, project management will require team, stakeholder and executive
collaboration in 2012 like never before. On-the-job application of training,
custom-made project approaches, innovative project tools and smarter resource
management will be essential for driving the greatest business impact.
Not only project management, but also
the definition of “project success” has changed to encompass more than the
triple constraint of time, cost and scope. Collaboration is a common theme
throughout many of the 2012 top 10 trends for project management, which were
determined by a global panel of ESI International senior executives and subject
matter experts.
Project management will gain momentum, but resources remain in short supply
Increasingly, large initiatives undertaken
by corporations and government agencies are being recognized for what they are
and aren’t - namely programs, not projects, which require a highly advanced set
of skills, supported by appropriate tools and methods to successfully execute.
Yet many organizations struggle to find the right people and lack the
management practices necessary to ensure success. In 2012 we will see more
investments made in competency models, training, methodology development, tool
use, and career paths to ensure that professionals who carry the title "Project Manager" are fit for the role.
2. Collaboration
software solutions will become an essential business tool for project
The proliferation of collaborative
software, such as SharePoint, in the project environment is going to intensify
in 2012. Fueled by increasingly complex and virtual projects as well as
tightened budgets, today’s environment demands a more efficient way to manage communication
and workflow.
Collaboration is central to project
management and having a site which allows project artifacts to be created,
shared, and distributed within a repository that provides web-based access and
critical functions such as automatic distribution and notification, version
control, and user authentication, greatly enhances productivity.
3. Learning
transfer will become the new mantra, but with little structured application
Learning transfer - the ability to
apply training back on the job - will continue to be on the minds of project
management office (PMO) chiefs and learning and development (L&D)
professionals who want their project managers to return from training ready to
apply what they learned immediately and accurately to their projects. While
L&D and business heads agree that sustained learning is a sound idea, very
few organizations will invest in a formal process to make it happen. In 2012 we
will see many organizations discussing the importance of learning transfer
without really putting in place a structured approach to ensure it happens.
4. Agile
blends with waterfall for a new “hybrid” approach
Having moved from “manifesto to
mainstream,” agile development has confronted project teams with the difficulty
of implementing the experimental and hyper-collaborative approach. To
transition an organization into fully adopting certain aspects of agile,
project teams are combining traditional and agile elements to create their own
hybrid approach. In areas such as planning, requirements, and team
communication, organizations are designing custom-made methodologies to do what
works for them.
Smarter project investments will require a stronger marriage between project
management and business process management (BPM)
In the financial services industry,
and specifically in the insurance sector, there will be a continued laser-like
focus on performing business processes as efficiently as possible to drive down
operating costs. The philosophy of BPM is fast becoming a key factor in project
selection. When new projects are proposed, their value will be judged to a
large extent on the impact they will have on the organization’s business
processes. The more impact the project has on reducing internal costs, the
higher it will be ranked. The “smart” money will be spent on driving costs out
of the business. Given the high premium being placed on efficient processes
delivered through projects, BPM is a key concept with which project managers
will need to be intimately familiar.
Internal certifications in corporations and public sector will eclipse the PMP
With roughly 470,000 Project
Management Professional (PMP) credentials having been awarded worldwide
thus far, the PMP remains the most popular and ubiquitous credential on the
planet. However, it is not the prominent credential everywhere. In the US
government as well as Fortune 500 corporations, a hierarchy of “internal”
credentials has overshadowed the PMP in terms of prominence. To be sure, the
PMP remains important, but it is now just one rung on the career ladder to get
to the top.
More PMO heads will measure effectiveness on business results
While introducing tools, using
methodologies, mapping project management practices, sending project managers
to training, and increasing the number of PMPs in the organization are
important metrics for a PMO head to collect and report on, they do not speak to
the effectiveness of the PMO from a business perspective. To judge business
effectiveness, PMO heads need to determine if their work has had a positive,
quantifiable effect on the business in terms of troubled project reduction,
lower project manager attrition, and faster time to market. In 2012 the
practice of measuring the outputs, not the inputs, of project management will
gain traction.
8. Good
project managers will buck unemployment trends
Even though unemployment is at record
levels in many countries, good project managers are hard to find. Recruiting
continues even in tough economies and organizations need individuals who can
perform the basics flawlessly. The hunger for project management basics, in
particular risk management, will continue to surge in 2012, especially in such
countries as India and China where project manager attrition rates are
disturbingly high and continuous training of new staff is critical.
9. Client-centric
project management will outpace the “triple constraint”
For years, time, cost and scope were
the metrics upon which the success of all projects and their managers were
judged. While the triple constraints remain important, they are no longer the
be-all-and-end-all for project success. While risk and quality have also been
cited as additional “constraints,” the clear trend in 2012 is the value the
project delivers to the organization. The new definition of project success is
that a project can exceed its time and cost estimates so long as the client
determines that it is successful by whatever criteria they use. In today’s
environment, the “recipient” - or client - not the “provider”, determines
project value.
10. HR
professionals will seek assessments to identify high-potential project managers
Because project management is such an
important function, human resources (HR) professionals will be tasked more
intensely with identifying high-potential project managers in 2012. The
challenge HR professionals will face is that there is no silver bullet
assessment for identifying great project managers. Existing knowledge and
skills assessments are of little use since they are not designed for
entry-level project manager positions. Nonetheless, candidates must be measured
not only on their technical abilities, but also on the all-important business
and interpersonal skills. To the best of our knowledge, no one has yet
developed such an assessment, but HR professionals will continue, and
intensify, their assessment search this year.
J. LeRoy Ward, PMP, PgMP, is
executive vice president, product strategy & management, for ESI International.
The PMP Certification establishes a common language among project managers and helps each other work within a common framework. Once you have the PMP, you need to consider how you're applying the processes, tools, and techniques to projects. I took a training course for my preparation in and got ready for the exam on day 5!